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  • Writer's pictureTseles John

7CO2: The Severnside Carbon Capture and Shipping Hub

Lots of interesting updates in the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies report on CO2 shipping, which emphasises the importance of CO2 shipping in Europe:

  • construction of CO2 ships underway; not only the 7,500m3 Northern Lights variety, but 22,000m3 at the Hyundai shipyards

  • with construction times of 12-36 months, the critical path of vessel construction is less than the underlying CCS projects they will service

  • a useful rule of thumb; a 20,000 tonne CO2 ship carrying out a one-week round trip will carry circa 1MTCO2pa

These all accord with 7CO2's estimates of construction and capacity requirements.

source: 7CO2-Linkedin

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