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Industry to discuss the future of CII, EU ETS

Writer's picture: Tseles JohnTseles John

Industry to discuss the future of CII, EU ETS
IMO MEPC Chair, Harry T. Conway

Shipping industry leaders will gather in Amsterdam for a two-day conference, awards and exhibition to discuss reducing CO2 and GHG emissions, including viable decarbonisation pathways to net zero.

At its 81st Session in March, IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 81) publicly acknowledged significant concerns raised by IMO Member States and shipping concerning the “shortcomings and unintended consequences” of the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII). Poor CII ratings resulting from the shortcomings of the CII methodology could have damaging commercial consequences on shipowners and ships, impacting decisions around investment, financing, insurance, chartering and brokering.

Conversely, the one-size-fits-all nature of CII methodology may well be rewarding some ships with good CII ratings, despite poor environmental operational practices. Clearly, this was not the intention of CII.

But the good news for shipping is there is still an opportunity to revise CII. A review process of CII will begin at MEPC 82 from 30 September to 4 October 2024, and will continue at subsequent meetings until December 2025. According to MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 28.11, the review of the CII regulations and guidelines must be completed by 1 January 2026.

Shipowners, operators, charterers, financiers, shipbuilders, researchers and technologists will have the opportunity to discuss and debate the merits of CII and the pathways to net zero for shipping at a well-timed, two-day industry event.

source: riviera news


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