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  • Writer's pictureTseles John

Prinos in progress

Prinos in progress
Photo: Prinos Greece

It is well known that Energean is "running" the Prinos project, and is about to submit a request to amend the operating license within June. The next step will be the submission of the Strategic Environmental and Social Impact Study to public consultation, which is expected in the second half of the year.

At the regulatory level, the competent authorities should issue an operating regulation, as well as a corresponding Directorate should be established to be in charge of CO2 capture and storage issues.

Finally, it is mentioned that the disbursement of the 150 million euros approved by the Recovery Fund for the financing of the underground natural gas storage in Prinos remains pending, an amount which, however, has not yet been disbursed.

According to reports, the Commission's Competition Directorate requested additional information up to a month ago, receiving all the answers. According to estimates, the process is now in its final stage and the issue that has been notified to the Commission since last June is expected to be finalized soon.


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