The "speed" is increasing in relation to the goal of achieving carbon capture and storage projects in Greece, with the competent bodies and services of the EU member states, to be called upon to coordinate. Purpose is, to give directions to the Commission regarding the necessary regulatory framework. As part of this effort, a group of specialists and experts on carbon capture and storage projects (CCS Expert Group) has been formed.
In fact, the first official meeting of this group was recently held in Brussels. Among the issues discussed was the need to transport CO2 within the borders of the EU. It is worth noting that Greece was recognized as one of the countries accelerating the development and implementation of CCS projects , given that the Hellenic Hydrocarbons and Energy Resources Management Company ( HEREMA ) has already issued the first research permit for the area of Prinos in Kavala.
It is recalled that HEREMA is the competent licensing authority for the geological storage of CO₂, as well as for the issuance of relevant exploration and storage permits. It has secured relevant financing, implementing the European PilotSTRATEGY CCUS program , in collaboration with EKETA , with the objective of evaluating the potential of the " Middle Hellenic Corridor " area for CO2 storage. It also carries out the project "Review of the transformation of the Norwegian hydrocarbon industry during the energy transition and its implementation in Greece" funded by the EEA Grants mechanism, which foresees Norway-Greece cooperation to explore how to develop "green" energy solutions in our country.
Finally, it participates, with other 15 organizations from six European countries, in a pilot 5-year EU program (100% financed by "New Horizon 2020"), with the aim of increasing the maturity of storage resources, the cooperation of regional and local bodies, but also the cultivation of social acceptance for the implementation of CCS projects.
It is also recalled that HEREMA qualified the location of Prinos as eligible for CO₂ storage and granted the Energean company the right to explore. Also in 2023, in collaboration with KPMG, HEREMA presented the White Book on CCS, which records the state of the global market for carbon capture and storage projects. Among other things, the largest completed and ongoing projects are presented and potential sources of funding are explored.
By the end of June 2024, the application for a CO₂ storage license in Prinos is expected to be submitted to HEREMA - accompanied by the relevant technical studies - which will then be sent to the European Commission for evaluation. Phase I of the project's implementation (1 million tons of emissions per year) is expected to begin in 2026, while Phase II (up to 3 million tons) will follow in 2028.
It should be noted that a very important project that will proceed is the creation by DESFA of a network of CO2 transport pipelines. Among the projections of the project is the transfer of CO2 from companies located in Attica and Boeotia, specifically from refineries and cement factories. According to information, it will be collected (CO2) in gaseous form and transported to a facility in the Revythoussa area, where it will be liquefied.
It will then be transferred to storage areas in Prinos propably by ships.
source: euro2day.gr