It is globally wellknown that UK has design a decisive strategy to accomplish the Net Zero target. Near to its internal emiters intends to place ccs hubs, investing admirable funds. Some of these hubs will expolite pipelines, railway and shipping !! One of them is the Severnside Carbon Capture and Shipping Hub (7CO2).
7co2 is a capture and shipping hub based in Bristol Port. It is developing CO2 liquefaction an d storage facilities at Avonmouth Docks, linked to to regional large emitters through pipeline and rail. The hub collects CO2 at scale, using a fleet of CO2 ships to transport CO2 onwards for long term geological storage, permanently removing it from the atmoshpere. Early Government support for projects will be critical - investment in just a few CCS projects at emitter sites will provide a sufficient foundation for the entire 7CO2 hub.
By linking to shipping, 7CO2, will not be dependent on any individual pipeline or CO2 store, significantly reducing operational risk and helping a wider geological storage market to develop.
Potential investment facilitated by the hub in & around the Port Region estimates at 1 bil. and in South West & SouthWales 2-3 bil. Secures regional business and jobs.
7CO2 Timeline operates on the assumption that a few initial projects are chosen in UK's Government Track 2 competition, followed by a number of sequential projects.
Expected 2027/8
2-3 project 800k-1mtpa CO2 shipped from the hub with 2 ships
4-5 projects, 2MtpaCO2, shipped from the hub 2 ships combined with 30 rail wagons
6-7 projects, 3MtpaCO2, shipped from the hub 3 ships combined with 60 rail wagons
8+ projects, 4MtpaCO2, shipped from the hub 4 ships combined with 60 rail wagons