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Trial application of innovative CO2 capture technology in three Greek industries in early 2025

Trial application of innovative CO2 capture technology in three Greek industries in early 2025

"It is already being manufactured in Great Britain and will be transferred to Greece at the end of 2024", notes the professor of the Mechanical Engineering Department of AUTH, Panos Seferlis

"The best carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology on the planet" will be applied for the first time in three Greek industries - from the sectors of power generation, refineries and lime production", said the professor of the Mechanical Engineering Department of AUTH, Panos Seferlis. during his speech at the event organized tonight in Thessaloniki by the SEVE (Greek Exporters Association) and the Union of Insurance Companies of Greece , on the topic "Environmental Corporate Responsibility. A prerequisite for a sustainable future".

The reason for the Hirecord technology in the industrial capture of carbon dioxide (CO2), which was developed in the framework of the "Horizon" program and as Mr. Seferlis emphasized from the stage of the event "constitutes the ultimate environmental responsibility solution" , achieving a reduction by 90% of carbon dioxide emissions.The coordinator of the said program is the National Center for Research and Technology (CERTH), the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the SEVE Exporters Association also participate as partners and the purpose of the program is to develop a pilot plant with a capacity to capture 10 tons of carbon dioxide per day, which will be tested in real conditions in three Greek industries for a period of six months (p.s. the names of the said industries were not announced).

This unit, always according to Mr. Seferlis, will start its trial operation at the beginning of 2025, it is already being built in Great Britain and will be transferred to Greece at the end of 2024.

"The plan is for this unit with this technology to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 90%. For each ton of carbon dioxide, today every industry pays 76 euros and so we are asked to find a way to capture carbon dioxide, at a lower cost, so that industries can save money and help to have a cleaner environment and to save our planet, for our children and grandchildren," he characteristically added.


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